I'd like to put ten thousand dollars in a three-year fixed deposit. 我存一万美元的三年定期。
It applies to the place, where the staff are fixed or the article is needed deposit when people comes in the working place, such as the medium& large locker-room, secret organizations etc. 适用于开放式办公场所、大中型更衣间、安全单位保管员工随身物品、保密机关保管资料、车站行李寄存处等人员比较固定或不便于携带存放物品证明的场所和机关单位。
"I placed my savings on fixed deposit to earn higher interest". 我存了定期账户以获取更高的利息。
My fixed deposit certificate fell due yesterday. 我的定期存折昨天到期了。
Maturity DateThe date on which the fixed deposit term ends. 到期日固定存款期间结束的日期。
Service quality, risks of occupation and fixed deposit rates have outstanding influence on life insurance contract duration. 其中,服务质量、职业风险以及定期存款利率对契约持续的影响最大。
Can I extend my fixed deposit when it's due? 到期时我可否延续定期存款?
Freeing up deposit rates and abandoning the fixed spread between deposit and loan rates would result in better returns for depositors and encourage banks to sharpen their lending practices. 放开存款利率和不再设置固定的存贷息差,将为储户带来更高的回报,并鼓励银行提高放贷效率。
A fixed deposit, also referred to as a time deposit, term deposit or Certificate of Deposit ( CD), is a kind of savings deposit with a definite length of maturity. storage limit register 定期存款,也称为期限存款或定期存单,是存款期限固定的一种储蓄存款。存储范围寄存器,存储极限寄存器
"We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than$ 1,000, for a period over six months at the rate of 6% p.a." “定期存款的条件为年利6%,存期6个月以上,只要金额1000元,我们均乐意接受”
The deposit account can be divided into two categories as the foreign exchange fixed deposit and the foreign exchange demand deposit based on the use of funds. 根据资金的使用情况,外币储蓄可以分为定期、活期两种形式。
What are the interest rates for fixed deposit accounts? 定期户口和利息有多少?
If you every months of income is fixed, do not beg without place, can attend deposit to the bank. 如果你每月收入固定,别无所求,可以到银行参加储蓄。
Personal fixed deposit pledged loans risk and precautions probing 个人定期存单质押贷款风险与防范探究
Here is my fixed deposit receipt. 这是我的定期存款单。
In addition to fixed deposits, can tolerate low-risk investors can also consider bank certificates of deposit from time to time introduced. 除定期存款外,只能承受低风险的投资者亦可考虑银行不定期推出的存款证。
All we can do is to make a fixed deposit holders, even if it is done in industrial activities, they were reluctant to make investment. 我们所能做的是使固定存款人,即使是在工业活动所做的那样,他们不愿意来投资。
I think the Interest rate of the fixed deposit is very close to that of funds. 我认为定期储蓄的平均收益率将会和基金的差不多。
This rate of return than the current fixed deposit receipts in the current biennium is much higher than all bond yields are high. 这比目前在本两年期定期存款的收益回报率是远远高于债券收益率都较高很高。
Would you prefer a current or fixed deposit? And is password required? 您的这笔存款是要存定期的还是活期的呢?而且是否需要设置密码呢?
This paper discusses the establishment of the discrete input& output mathematical model, and its application to the fixed deposit, mixture of solution, the increase of tree number of forest, and economic problems. 本文讨论离散型输入输出数学模型的建立及在定期存款问题,溶液的混合、树群株数的增长和经济方面的应用。
Pricing Problem of Fixed Deposit Embedded with American-Style Option 定期存款所含嵌入期权的定价
At present, there are two benchmark rates of floating rate debt, one year fixed deposit rate and 7-day repurchase rate, in China. 中国目前浮息债券基准利率有一年期定期存款利率和7日回购利率两种。
Recently, many banks issue special fixed deposit, whose return depend on range of some index in the future, for instance, the exchange rate, to meet the needs of the investors. 为满足部分投资者的理财需要,近来许多银行推出了收益与某个指标(如汇率未来的变化范围)挂钩的存款产品。
Abstract In the circumstance of reactive magnet controlled sputtering, substrate temperature 、 oxygen pressure 、 pumping speed and other related conditions are fixed, sputtering current is only changed to deposit ITO films of certain square resistance. 在In-Sn合金靶反应磁控溅射的情形下,固定基片温度、氧分压、抽速和其它相关条件,仅靠改变溅射电流来沉积一定方阻的ITO膜。
The bank fixed deposit income, floating rate income and financial products yields comparative analysis, proof of loan floating interest rates bring earnings for the main part of bank income, interest rate marketization is not completely opportunity instead of a threat. 通过对银行固定存贷收益、浮动利率收益和理财产品收益进行比较分析,证明贷款业务浮动利率带来的收益占银行收入主要部分,利率市场化不完全是威胁而是机遇。
Bill and loan interest rates are fixed by the central bank, while deposit interest rates can float in order to keep banks profitable. 债款和国债利率被央行固定。为了保持银行的利润存款利率浮动。